We don’t show up to F3 for ourselves. We show up for the man beside us. So whether you stumbled across F3 by accident or your friend has been pestering you to try it, we are glad that you are here!
You overcame the challenges and excuses (we all made them) and decided to come join us? Awesome! Here are a few tips and tricks that we like to share with all of our first time visitors:
We are glad you’ve made the decision to join us, and will be excited to meet you!
We call all of our first time visitors FNGs (Friendly New Guys)
One of the key principles of F3 is to MODIFY the workout as needed. If you need more of a challenge, increase the intensity. If you haven’t worked out in a while, slow down. We want you to push yourself to get 1% better each day, but not hurt yourself.
We might have some different names for exercises than you are familiar with so please don’t be afraid to ask for a demo and clarification.
We start promptly on time, so please plan to arrive a few minutes early to find the spot and meet the guys.
We recommend everyone dress for the weather (it’s always outdoors, rain or shine) and encourage you to bring water, a pair of work gloves, and a coffee cup.
F3 Aggieland is open to all men. We mean it. Whether you are an iron man or this is your first time exercising in years, this is the place for you. The men you meet come in all ages, sizes, athletic abilities, and faiths.